Najmanje devet ljudi je poginulo u poslednjem talasu nevremena koje je pogodilo SAD.
Osmoro ljudi stradalo je u Kentakiju, kada su ih odneli potoci koje su formirale jake kiše.
🚨#BREAKING: FEMA has been deployed to Eastern Kentucky.
— Matt Van Swol (@matt_vanswol) 16. фебруар 2025.
Over 1000 rescues have happened since the storm, and more rescues are currently underway with 19 active swift water rescue teams.
Currently 86 adults and 56 kids are sheltering in KY State
Guverner Kentakija Endi Bešir rekao je u nedelju da stotine ljudi zaglavljenih u poplavama mora hitno da bude spaseno.
🚨#BREAKING: Absolutely horrifying news out of Kentucky.
— Matt Van Swol (@matt_vanswol) 16. фебруар 2025.
At least 3 people have passed away due to flash flooding. One of the victims was a 7 year old child.
Please pray for Kentucky 🙏
Bešer je rekao da su mnoge smrti, uključujući majku i sedmogodišnje dete, prouzrokovane nakon zaglavljivanja automobila u vodi.
Autor: Iva Besarabić