Poslednju fotografiju objavila je u septembru, a pored nje je napisala da je naučila nešto iz toga što izgubila kosu i dobila kilograme tokom lečenja.

Džejda Meken (24), influenserka i blogerka koja se proslavila zahvaljujući brojnim pratiocima na društvenim mrežama, preminula je nakon duge i teške bolesti.

Na vrhuncu popularnosti, Džejda je objavljivala fotografije vezane za zdrav život, modu i lepotu, ali joj je onda dijagnostikovan leiomiosarkom, redak oblik raka mišića. U to vreme završavala je fakultet, a tom periodu je i njenom ocu dijagnostikovan tumor prostate.

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Airport attire ✈️ 🙌🏽 I got this gorgeous knee length jump suit in @bershkacollection in the @jervis.sc for only €12.99😱🤣 My tan is @vitaliberata sprayed (OF COURSE) by @rockhard_beauty ☺️💗 That tan is toxin and cruelty free + completely vegan 🙈🐰 I did my French braids and edges myself using @vo5 extra hold gel & my edge cream I got in Birmingham🙌🏽 I’m going to be posting all of my pictures a few days late & doing reviews of all of the treatments & services we’ve gotten and places we’ve been so prepare yourself for a week full of Italian packed content🤣🇮🇹 I hope you’re all keeping well at home and keeping the positivity up☺️ Sending you so much love from across the water❤️✨ Ps. DO NOT FORGET to enter the competition in my last post to be in with a chance to win a WHOLE @catricecosmeticsireland brow collection 😱💗 #JaydaMcCann #Italy #Bershka #FBlogger #Braids #Edges #VitaLiberata #ItalyRetreat #ZenWellness

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O svojoj borbi s rakom ova hrabra devojka je pričala na društvenim mrežama, a u četvrtak je njena porodica tužnu vest. Džejda je preminula mirno i u snu, sa samo 24 godine.

Poslednju fotografiju objavila je u septembru, a pored nje je napisala da je naučila nešto iz toga što izgubila kosu i dobila kilograme tokom lečenja.

- Ja sam i dalje ljubazna. Ja sam i dalje hrabra. Ja sam i dalje darežljiva. I dalje sam ja ja, a ono što je spolja ne čini ono što sam ja - napisala je.

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➡️SWIPE➡️ What does beauty mean to you? 🤷🏽‍♀️ This is a topic I’ve wanted to talk about for a while now & I’m fairly sure you guys would be interested in commenting with your thoughts🧐 If you see the first two pictures, I have a wig on, a full face of makeup, gorgeous lashes done by @elysianbrows Greystones, a full set of nails🙃 And don’t get me wrong, we all love a confidence boost- including me!😅🙌🏽 In the last photo, I’m in my pyjamas with no makeup and I am bald😅 I had just had my teeth whitened by @teeth_whiteningfairies so I was delighted with life🤣 But my point is, on any day I can leave my house as either person and the funny thing is- I do get looked at and treated differently🥵 But beauty is not about wigs or makeup. Instagram and other apps have made us believe we need to live up to some kind of standard that half of the time IS NOT REAL. I’m not ashamed to say that sometimes I use filters or tweak my pictures here or there- we are all guilty of it!😩🙌🏽 But one thing I’ve learned since I gained weight, got stretch marks, lost my hair and all the rest.. is that 🌟BEAUTY COMES FROM WITHIN🌟 I am still kind. I am still brave. I am still generous. I am still ME & outside things don’t make me who I am. My personality and my heart does. That’s my rant over anyway🤣 I just wanted to put that across as so many people comment on my appearance lately. I know people are trying to be kind but instead of saying ‘you’ve lost weight’ or ‘your face isn’t as bloated’ or some people pass maybe even just a compliment like ‘you’re so pretty’ or whatever... But why aren’t we calling each other BRAVE or STRONG or even INSPIRING!? Women are way more than our exterior and I feel like not enough influencers highlight this, not enough followers discuss it. Well, it’s time☺️ We are more than what we look like. We are beautiful for WHO WE ARE💗💕 #JaydaMcCann #CancerFighter #Sarcoma #SarcomaWarrior #BeautyBloggerb

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Džejda je u jednom intervjuu rekla da je potražila pomoć lekara kada je napipala kvržicu na području karlice, za koju je prvo mislila da je cista. Insistirala je na tome da lekari obave sve pretrage nakon što je kvržica nastavila da raste, jer su joj posle prvih šest poseta pripisivali antibiotike.

Na kraju je laboratorijska analiza pokazala da ima neizlečivi oblik raka od kojeg je nažalost i preminula.

Autor: Pink.rs

