Težak životni period je sada iza njih.

Proslavljeni glumac Džejms van der Bik, koji je domaćoj javnosti postao poznat po glavnoj ulozi u seriji "Donson Krik" ponovo ima razloga za slavlje.

Glumac i njegova supruga Kimberli Bruk uskoro će dobiti šesto dete i to nakon što je Kimberli prošla tri spontana pobačaja.

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Sometimes we fight. We bicker. We go to bed angry, usually over stupid stuff that doesn’t really matter but somehow does in the moment. We don’t post all that on IG because, well... we like being married 😘 But the one thing that seems pretty clear so far is that relationships are not so much about who you are - or who you were when you met - but how you evolve. And, as @vanderkimberly so astutely pointed out to me yesterday, it’s important to afford your partner room to change. To not define them by their past actions, or tendencies, or even current limitations, because that puts them in a box which may not allow space for a better, more fully realized version of themselves to take root. It’s tricky, of course, because as humans we learn by grouping and categorizing - that’s just brain science. But pairing up with another flawed human (myself excluded, obviously- I’m perfect 🤫) means, in no small way, to transcend science. To love, care, and evolve beyond logic. And to allow your partner to do the same. And to always put the toilet seat down - dudes, you don’t want to forget that one. 👍#ItsaJourneyNotaDestination #GoodFriday everybody.

A post shared by James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) on

Ovaj par već ima petoro dece, četri ćerke Gvendolin, Oliviju, Emiliju i Anabel Lije i sina Džošue, ali izgleda da ne nameravaju da stanu s proširenjem porodice.

PROČITAJTE JOŠ: ODUSTALA JE OD GLUME! Obožavali ste je kao Lolu u čuvenoj seriji, a evo kako ona izgleda 14 godina kasnije! (FOTO)

Inače, glumcu je ovo drugi brak, a Džejms i njegova supruga su izgovorili sudbonosno "Da" pre devet godina.


